Power Plant – Abstract

Power Plant is an anthropomorphic ability designed for plants, so they can communicate with humans. Houseplants share a relationship with human in a domestic environment. so quantifying the plant’s situation with sensors can lead to an imaginary mapping language that notifies the user. This mediated relationship happens in different categories that affects the life cycles and chores of both plant and human in everyday life. Power Plant will visualize this interaction, shaping the emotions of plant transferred to human as a special friend.

the inputs from sensors come from this sections:

– temperature of the room

– moisture of the soil

– ambient sound in the environment

– electromagnetic fields affecting the plant

– image processing of movements of the plant during the day

also the notifications from plant to human user are based on these categories:

– everyday tasks reminder such as exercising schedule

– supporting emotions like send a hug emoji

– inspirational messages such as a quote for starting a good working day

– resistance to be lazy like when there is too much noise around the plant

POWER PLANT is your special friend!


writing module 6 – Final


  1. Concept Statement

How does my garden grow in my tiny, virtually sunless city apartment?

I aim to make a robot that can carry a plant on top and look for the sunlight during the day. During twilight the robot will listen to ambient sound and will start to move around if there is too much noise in the environment around it. This will build a relationship based on the domestic environment and behavior of people around the plant. My overarching proposal for my thesis is to initiate development about telerobotic ecosystems to understand and develop a certain narrative for relationship of plants and human in place. In this case, the kind of empathy that happens between human and plant has a humanized version. I am interested to visualize this relationship with two factors of sound and light. This project develops a new idea of having access to plants in residential households and will bring the key to enjoy growing plants and future of living. 

  1. Reflection

The specific questions I am attempting to answer in my prototypes and writing:

where are you in relationship to where you want to go?

How will you get there?

How to show the progress of correlated interaction design?

Is this prototype can be used to test in the wild or to grow weed and avoid cops? (I had this question coming up twice in my critique sessions) [to be continued]

Is there a humanized version of the relationship between human and plants that could be shown (visualize) through possible factors that are mutual in the correlated interaction and proposed behavior?

  1. What are the five strengths of my project?
  2. concept: to address the humanized empathy between plant and human
  3. technology implementation (internet of things)
  4. methodology: finding relationship between human and nature
  5. design progress: evolving areas and advancing experience during the course of semester and putting first year study and experiments into another review
  6. usability and ability: ready-to-go project for further production and marketing


  1. What are the five most critical issues (challenges) for my project?
  2. the dimension of boundary between physical and digital environments and objects
  3. the emergent need of affordability among domestic and urbanized territories
  4. the deep relationship of human and plant and adaptations around them
  5. building factors to visualize a concept using affects of sound and effects of light
  6. advancing the data of interaction in different environments and share characteristics and findings.
  1. What can you do to address these issues, and to solidify the strengths?

Using the right and left design tools to address an issue

Producing the perfect amount of experiments that will amend the future of prototyping of this project in the next phases

Melting the decisive moment of will to get the attention and moving forward with interaction for the efficient time of action

  1. Can you intuitively ask some new questions? What questions are emergent, based on prototyping and feedback you have received?

The new questions are emerging based on my experience and knowledge around Domesticity and Urbanization. Domesticity in this project defines the type of interaction that happens in the environment around the subject matter, which is the telerbotic ecosystem. And the urbanization is the type of needs and thoughts in the process of design thinking and implementing technology based on our up to date social life. These two areas take over the inner and outer spaces of interaction between user and the system, and also between the moving plant and people around it. So these will be the areas that I need to further develop my understanding of the project and build new ideas that can match the scope of the thesis. This will be an ideal way of embracing the audience of this project and define a certain narrative that won’t be confusing in between big areas of my interest to put down for the audience of this project.



III. Schedule
